About Us

Gibby, one of our cats and one of our best employees, Gibby is Head (And Paws) Of Product Testing! Gibby has, in his own way, ‘asked’ us to make really good paper bags with a good number of holes in just the right places with which he can play. Gibby wants to Peek, Poke, and Play ‘with’, ‘inside’, ‘around’, ‘outside’, and even (sometimes) ‘through’ really cool paper bags with holes in them.

We have started this company, Pet Preferred, Inc. out of the necessity to share enjoyment and fun with the whole world of first cat owners and those who just enjoy watching cats play! (Note: We understand that “Dogs have an owner, but Cats have a staff.”) We are here to serve our most precious, enjoyable, and loving feline friends, first. We really love our canine and feathered friends too! We just had to start somewhere. We first made some bags with holes in them for our cats. hese bags are so much fun for us and so much fun for our cats that we simply have to share this with everyone in the world who has a cat and who loves to laugh and enjoy both interacting with and/or simply watching their cats have fun and watching their cats do funny things!

We are proud pet owners with a vision to bring pet products to the public which are designed from a pet perspective, tested and perfected for pets, and which become some of the products most preferred by your pets. Pet Preferred was founded by people with a serious passion for helping pets. Headquartered in Rocket City, USA, also known as Huntsville, Alabama, Pet Preferred’s dedicated staff—furry and non-furry alike—are committed to providing products which bring you and your pets more joy! Would you say that in today’s world we can all benefit from more joy and laughter? We think that Laughter Is Truly Very Good Medicine In Today’s World.

At Pet Preferred, we value your comments and suggestions. If there is anything you would like to share with us, please use our Contact Us page. We will be pleased to hear from you about any comments and suggestions.

Our mission is to: “Provide Practically Perfect Products Produced Primarily Per Pets’ Perspectives”

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